It's been a busy few weeks. For a while I was incredibly stressed about getting fingerprinted, b/c I needed them to renew my nursing license. I had tried once, sent them in and they were rejected and had to start at square one. But, unfortunately, it's a hard thing to find here in this country. Somewhere to get fingerprints. Finally, after asking the people at the Embassy (again), they were able to give me a suggestion, and it worked out! It was a hilarious experience. Ask me about it sometime. The same day, Hunter, Christina, and I needed to go to Immigration (this was my 4 trip) to see if our residency was ready. Right when we get there, I get a text from my mom saying that my nursing license was renewed, and I don't have to stress about the prints! WHAT?! I couldn't believe it... so much stress and running around, to finally get those things, and then... my thing was renewed already! Oh well... it worked out and that's what counts. To top it off, our residency was NOT ready (again), and we will have to return yet another time. Oh, Honduras...
Last week the external was closed, due to the employees having off, so I worked in the internal clinic. There is another wave of Chicken Pox running through the Ranch, and has only seemed to affect Casa Suyapa. So, in the internal clinic there were about 8 of the youngest kids on the Ranch being quarantined. I had a few turnos (overnight shifts), and they were crazy. It's hard to keep track of that many kids in general, but add the fact that they don't really know me very well AND my Spanish sucks, there was very little listening happening. I had some help, thank God, so I was able to get through it. Not without a few freak outs (normal, yes?) and questioning my ability to be a mom one day. Ha. But seriously...
We have had well over 50 patients every single day this week in the external. CRAZY. It makes for longs days, working until 4, when I still need to work on de-parasitizing stuff (yes, I am responsible for giving the entire Ranch meds for parasites, which happens about every 6 months)... and going to Hogar until 8. Ugh. But, asi es. I had some nice moments with patients which reminded me that I really am doing a cool thing.
Other than that... things are just... normal. It's kind of weird. I wanted to write about everything all of the time when I first got here, b/c it was so new. Almost being here for 6 months, I now have this sense of home and normalcy in a way, so it's hard to pick out the things to talk about. I don't really know when that even happened... but it did, and I think it's a sign that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.
I hope that things are going well for you all!
A shout out to all the dads our there... Happy Father's Day!! Especially to mine. :)
Love you Jen.... dad